Definitely passing this one along to Dad!

I also find it amusing that I have invested large amounts of time, money, and energy in taking my children to various cities and natural wonders over the last 10+ years, and all either of them ever seem to remember is where we got ice cream.

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That is always the key thing to remember!

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"Taking them to the beach by yourself will still be a nightmare, particularly if you have more children than hands and some of them can’t swim." Oh I've done this and wanted to handcuff two to my wrists while yelling for their brother to get off the dunes before we got arrested. But, yes, the memories. :) Can totally relate to the "good" rest area/mile markers :)

Thank you for the shout-out!! The Art of Catching Feelings looks great. Thanks for the recommendation!

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I went on those kind of trips regularly as a child with my family. (You're right; they DO remember.)

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