There is only way to be the cool parent. Put on your Darth Vader costume and voice emulator at 1:00 am scare them all so badly they will quiet down and let you sleep. Oh, you mean cool with the kids and not with the other pparents? Yeah, that can't happen.

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SOUND advice. Wish I read it Saturday morning before agreeing to a double sleepover that kicked my kid’s butt so hard he came home from school early Monday because he fell asleep 6 times in class. Also what’s up with Taki’s? Why are the kids all obsessed with them???

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Shoot, sorry I didn't get this to you earlier! And I have no idea about the Taki's. My oldest had them at a friend's house a few weeks ago and now we might be in a cult?

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We are also in that cult. And my kid hates anything spicy. And now all he wants is spicy chips. This has to be a YouTube thing. But at least we’re off the Prime water bandwagon.

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<snort> My kids are too introverty to want sleepovers, but this was so funny that I submitted my husband to me reading half of it to him.

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Mar 28Liked by Andrew Knott

These are all very solid tips and of course already pre-ordered my copy of Love's a Disaster! Looking forward to getting it.

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Thanks Julie!

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I ordered mine too! Let's do a virtual book club!

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I preordered the paperback for Sad Sacked. Looking forward to getting that one!

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Thank you so much, Andrew! A lot of it reads like that job interview you had back in November! : )

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Hahaha, can’t wait!

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Amazing, thank you!

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Ooh I love this idea!!!

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Mar 28Liked by Andrew Knott


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